Sámediggepresideanttat leat sádden oktasaš reivve Suoma stáhtaministarii

Reivves sáddejuvvon Suoma stáhtaministarii Sanna Marinii disdaga čállet sámediggepresideanttat ahte sii leat fuolastuvvan go ođđa sámediggeláhka ii velge leat ovddiduvvon Riikkabeaivái, Suoma parlamentii. Reivve leat vuolláičállán Norgga beal sámediggepresideanta Silje Karine Muotka, Suoma beal sámediggepresideanta Tuomas Aslak Juuso ja Ruoŧa beal sámediggepresideanta Håkan Jonsson.

Reivves čujuhit sámediggepresideanttat ođđa sámediggelága prosessii Suomas. ON lea gáibidan ođđa sámediggelága Suomas ja lea buktán mearkkašumiid das ahte Suoma ii sihkkarastte sápmelaččaid vuoigatvuođaid.

Sámediggepresideanttat leat garrasit fuolastuvvan váilevaš ovdáneami dihte ja go Suoma ráđđehus ii velge leat ovddidan lága Suoma parlamentii.

Sámediggepresideanttat čállet maid ahte Suomas gilvojuvvo boasttu diehtu mas čuoččuhuvvo ahte rievdaduvvon eavttut ođđa lágas dahká ahte eavttut leat olu garraseabbo Suoma bealde go Norgga ja Ruoŧa bealde. Duohtavuohta lea ahte rievdaduvvon eavttut šaddet seammaláganat go eavttut Norgga bealde ja áibbas daid eavttuid mielde mat leat davviriikkalaš sámekonvenšuvnnas, ja mas buot bealit (Ruoŧŧa, Suopma, Norga ja golbma sámedikki) leat soahpan.

Dá lea reive maid sámediggepresideanttat leat sádden Suoma stáhtaministarii:


Government of Finland

Sami Parliament Act in Finland

The Sámi Parliamentary Council, the co-operational body for the Sámi parliaments in Finland, Norway, and Sweden, refers to the process of a new Sami Parliament act in Finland.

The Sámi Parliamentary Council is deeply concerned about the lack of progression and that the Finnish government has not yet submitted the act to the Parliament of Finland, in line with the negotiated result between the Finnish government and the Sami Parliament in Finland.

The Sámi Parliamentary Council recalls that, under article 33 of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Indigenous Peoples have the right to determine their own identity or membership in accordance with their customs and traditions, and the right to determine the structures and to select the membership of their institutions in accordance with their own procedures.

We further recall that the Human Rights Committee and the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination have concluded that the current Sami Parliament Act violates human rights treaties (CCPR 2668/2015 and CERD 59/2016).

The Sámi Parliamentary Council has also noticed misinformation in Finland about the electoral role, falsely claiming that the amended criteria in the new act would make the criteria much stricter on the Finnish side than the Swedish and Norwegian sides. The fact is that the amended criteria would be similar to the criteria on the Norwegian side and in full compliance with the criteria in the Nordic Sami Convention, in which, at this point, all the parties (Sweden, Finland, Norway, and the three Sámi Parliaments) have agreed on.

The Sami Parliamentary Council demands the end of the current human rights treaty violations in Finland and necessary actions to secure the Sámi Peoples’ right to self-determination through the Sámi Parliament in Finland as a representative body.

Håkan Jonsson

Silje Karine Muotka
Vice president

Tuomas Aslak Juuso
Vice President