Stuorra eamiálbmot luossadeaivvadeapmi čakčat

Sámediggi Norggas ja Sámiráđđi lágideaba 2nd International Gathering of Indigenous Salmon Peoples čakčat Kárášjogas. Deaivvadeapmái čoahkkanit davveguovlluid luossaálbmogat juohkkin dihte máhtu, vásáhusaid ja digaštallat eamiálbmot hálddašeami.

– Luossabivdu lea giddejuvvon Deanučázadagas jo njealját geasi. Luossanálli lea garra deattu vuolde miehtá davviguovlluid. Mis lea dárbu dakkár deaivvadeapmái gos beassat juohkit dieđuid ja vásáhusaid eará eamiálbmogiiguin, dadjá sámediggepresideanta Silje Karine Muotka.

– Ođđa guollešládja, ruoššaluossa, uhkida luossajogaid Sámis, ja orru ahte jogaid ekovuogádaga rievdama ii leat vejolaš bissehit. Dát deaivvadeapmi lea buorre liiban oahppat nubbi nuppis eamiálbmotluossahálddašeami ja -máhtu birra, ja maiddái mo mii buoremusat sáhttit ávkkástallat dáinna ođđa guollešlájain, dadjá Áslat Holmberg, Sámiráđi ságadoalli.

2nd International Gathering of Indigenous Salmon Peoples lágiduvvo čakčamánu 30. beaivvi rájes golggotmánu 2. beaivvi rádjai Kárášjogas Sámedikkis. Deaivvadeapmái bohtet 80 oasseváldi Sámis, Canadas, USAs ja Ruonáeatnamis. Dát deaivvadeapmi lea čuovvuleapmi vuosttaš International Gathering of Indigenous Salmon Peoples mii lágiduvvui Musqueam-álbmoga eatnamiin, Vancouveris Canadas 2022:s.


In english:

Large International Gathering of Indigenous Salmon Peoples in Sápmi this fall

The Sámi Parliament in Norway and The Saami Council are organizing the 2nd International Gathering of Indigenous Salmon Peoples this autumn in Kárášjohka/Karasjok. Indigenous salmon peoples from the northern hemisphere will gather at the meeting to share knowledge, experiences, and discuss indigenous salmon management.

– Salmon fishing has been prohibited in the Deatnu River for four consecutive summers. The salmon population is under severe pressure across the northern hemisphere. We need such a gathering where we can share information and experiences with other Indigenous Peoples, says President of the Sámi Parliament Silje Karine Muotka.

– Salmon rivers in Sápmi are now facing the arrival of a new species, the pink salmon, and this change of the river ecosystems seems inevitable. This gathering provides an excellent opportunity to learn from each other about Indigenous Peoples’ salmon management practices and knowledge, as well as how to best utilize new species as resources, says Aslak Holmberg, president of The Saami Council.

The 2nd International Gathering of Indigenous Salmon Peoples will be held from September 30th to October 2nd in Kárášjohka at the Sámi Parliament. The gathering will host 80 participants from Sápmi, Canada, the USA, and Greenland. This gathering is a follow-up on the first International Gathering of Indigenous Salmon Peoples, which was held on the land of the Musqueam people in Vancouver, Canada in 2022.