Sáhkavuorru ÁRRAN 360° rahpamii Venezias

Sámediggeráđđi Hans Ole Eira oassálasttii Árran 360°-vuosttaščájálmassii Venezias Italias. ÁRRAN 360° lea Internašunála Sámi Filbmainstituhta prošeakta, man mihttun lea ovdanbuktit ođđa ja innovatiiva sámi filmmaid globála gehččiide Venezias.

Ráhkis buohkat,

Olu giitu bovdehusa ovddas dán hui erenoamáš ja historjjálaš filbmadáiddalaš dáhpáhusa San Servolos Veneziabiennála viiddiduvvon prográmma oktavuođas.

Lea duođai leamaš erenoamáš jahki sámi dáidagii. Lei stuora dáhpáhus go Majestehta Dronnet Sonja rabai davviriikkalaš paviljonga cuoŋománu 21. b. gos ledje dušše sámi dáiddárat. Lei vuosttaš gearddi go ovddidedje sámi dáiddáriid nationála paviljongas Veneziabiennálas. Seammás lei vuosttaš gearddi go sápmelaččat dohkkehuvvo olmmoščeardan sierra paviljongas.

Sámi dáiddárat  Pauliina Feodoroff, Máret Ánne Sara ja Anders Sunna, suoma, norgga ja ruoŧabeale Sámis, nuppástuhtte davviriikkalaš paviljonga sámi paviljongan.

Dál leat sámi filbmadáiddárat geat galget ovddidit sin dáidaga. Ja dat galgá dahkot erenoamáš vuogi mielde, dege nu movt Riikkaidgaskasaš Sámi Filbma instituhtta govvida: «ÁRRAN 360° is at the cutting edge of Sámi film and digital media arts. This first-of-its-kind art project will feature six original 360-degree screen-based works created by six leading Sámi artists from across Sápmi, the Sámi homeland.”

ÁRRAN 360° lea nappo ođđahuksen/ođđamállet huksehusbargu. Lea áibbas ođđa ja earálágan vuohki gaskkustit sámi historjjá, cukcasiid ja eallinlági. Riikkaidgaskasaš Sámi Filbma Instituhtta lea dán projeavtta bokte bargan buori barggu rekruteret ja movttiidit sámi filbmadáiddáriid, juoga maid Sámediggi háliida doarjut. Dasa lassin orro dá rievttes vuohki bargat, go čájeha sámi eallima ja eallinlági innovatiiva lági mielde riikkaidgaskasaš arenaid bokte, ja dainna lágiin oažžut eanet fuomášumi davviguovllu eallimii.

Go mii jáhkkit máilmmis lea juoga oahppat davviguovllu eallimis, movt mii hálddašit sihke luonddu, kultuvrra ja historjjá buolvvas bulvii. Seammás lea dehálaš čájehit man rašši min kultuvra lea ja movt máilbmi váikkuha davviguovllu eallimii.

ÁRRAN 360° geažuha gierddu jorba hámi, juoga mii soaitá dán sullo dovdomearka man hápmi lea dego árbevirolaš filbmaliidni. Ahte gierdu sáhttá symboliseret árrana - dola hámi ja lávu - sápmelaččaid árbevirolaš tealttá, de sáhttá maid gierdu oidnojuvvot dego eallináigodat ja luonddu máŋga áigodaga maid mii dovdat nu bures ja maid nu lahka eallit davviguovlluin.

Dáiguin sániiguin háliidan sávvat lihkku ÁRRAN 360°:n ja filbmadahkkiide Ann Holmgren Aurebekk, Elle Márjá Eira, Hans Pieski, Liselotte Wajstedt, Marja Helander ja Silja Somby.

Giitu !

English version:

Dear everyone,

Thank you very much for the invitation to this very special and historic film artistic event at San Servolo in connection with the Venice Biennale's extended program.

It has truly been a special year for Sami art. It was a big event when Her Majesty Queen Sonja opened the Nordic pavilion, which only presents Sami artists, on 21 April this year. It was the first time Sami artists were presented in a national pavilion at the Venice Biennale. At the same time it was the first time the Sami were recognized as a nation in a separate pavilion.

The Sami artists Pauliina Feodoroff, Máret Ánne Sara and Anders Sunna, from the Finnish, Norwegian and Swedish sides of Sápmi transformed the Nordic pavilion into the Sami pavilion at this biennale.

Now it is the Sami film artists who will present their art. And it must be done in a spectacular way, or as the project managers of the International Sámi Film Institute (ISFI) describe it: "ÁRRAN 360° is at the cutting edge of Sámi film and digital media arts. This first-of-its-kind art project will feature six original 360-degree screen-based works created by six leading Sámi artists from across Sápmi, the Sámi homeland.”

ÁRRAN 360° is therefore groundbreaking work. It is a completely new and different way of conveying Sami stories, myths and ways of life. Through this project, the International Sámi Film Institute (ISFI) has worked well to recruit and motivate Sámi film artists, which the Sámi Parliament wants to support. In addition, we feel that this is the way to go, by showing Sami life and way of life via international arenas in an innovative way, and thus get greater attention about life in the northern areas.

Because we believe the world has something to learn from life in the northern regions, and about how we manage both nature, culture and stories that are passed down from generation to generation. At the same time, it is important to show how vulnerable our culture is and how life in the northern regions is also affected by the rest of the world.

ÁRRAN 360° suggests the round shape of the circle, which is perhaps indicative of this island shaped like the traditional rectangular film screen. In addition to the fact that the circle can symbolize the árran - the fire shape and the lávvu - the Sami's traditional tent, the circle can also be seen as a symbol of the life cycle itself and the many cycles of nature that we know so well and live so closely in the northern regions.

With this I would like to wish good luck with ÁRRAN 360° and to the film directors Ann Holmgren Aurebekk, Elle Márjá Eira, Hans Pieski, Liselotte Wajstedt, Marja Helander and Silja Somby.
